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Mini-Workshop on Advanced Manipulation and Control of Intense Electron Beams


Mini-Workshop on Advanced Manipulation and Control of Intense Electron Beams was held at UNIST on July 25, 2017.

1. Dr. Gwanghui Ha (PAL): Recent researches at AWA and double EEX project
2. Dr. Seung Hwan Shin (PAL) : APS linac R&D and future study topic
3. Dr. Sandeep Kumar (UNIST): Atto-second pulse generation in XFELs
4. Seong Yeol Kim (UNIST): Introduction to AWAKE project and upcoming work for the AWAKE at CERN
5. Jimin Seok (UNIST): Introduction to dechirper study and ITF facility update


Please contact Mr. Seong Yeol Kim (sykim12@unist.ac.kr ) for presentation files.


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