학부 빔물리학입문 강의노트
Introduction to Beam Physics (Undergraduate Course): updated on 2020/12/11
Overview of beam-driven wakefield accelerators (2020 KPS fall meeting)
Online presentation at 2020 KPS fall meeting on “Overview of beam-driven wakefield accelerators”:
Welcome Emre Cosgun: The first foreign graduate student in our lab.
Welcome Emre Cosgun: The first foreign graduate student in our lab.
Trusted Reviewer
Dear Professor Chung,
We are delighted to inform you that you have been awarded IOP trusted reviewer status.
IOP trusted reviewer status acknowledges that you have demonstrated a high level of peer review competence,
with the ability to critique scientific literature to an excellent standard.
You are one of our first reviewers to have achieved this status, so congratulations!
중이온가속기 이용자협회 회보 (Vol. 02, 2020: 문석호 인터뷰)
중이온가속기 이용자 협회 회보 (Vol. 02, 2020): UNIST 물리학과 문석호 (NDPS 그룹)
THE World University Rankings 2021: UNIST Named in Top 200 World Universities!
UNIST has been named the world’s 176th best university, according to the London-based Times Higher Education World University Rankings. The university also made a climb of one spot from last year to be ranked 6th nationally.
The 2021 rankings, released on the 2nd of September, is based on 13 carefully calibrated performance indicators, designed to capture the full range of universities actitivies. Those indicators cover teaching, research, citations, industry income, and international outlook.
For the first time since 2018, UNIST has entered the top 200 in the THE World University Rankings, having risen from last year’s ranking in the 201-250 band. The rankings also indicate that UNIST, when measured based on the number of citations a university’s research obtains, has maintained its position as South Korea’s top university and continues to be counted among the top universities in the world.
This year, only seven Korean universities have made the top 200 in the THE World University Rankngs. Heading the list is the Seoul National University at 60 on the list, followed by KAIST at 100, the Sungkyunkwan University at 101, POSTECH at 151, the Korea University at 167, UNIST at 176, and the Yonsei University at 187.
“We will strive to foster future talents and develop cutting-edge science and technology through research and education that will lead the world in scientific and technological innovation,” says President Yong Hoon Lee of UNIST.
For the fifth consecutive year, the University of Oxford has been named the best university in the world. Stanford University, California Institute of Technology, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) followed. The University of Cambridge, the University of California—Berkeley, Yale University, Princeton University, and the University of Chicago were also made it into the top 10 in the 2021 edition of the THE World University Rankings.