Fun Moments for IBAL Members
Yoo-Lim’s fantastic Bungy jump at New Zealand.
Visit to Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
At the Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) hall:
In front of the diamond light source:
In front of the target hall of the ISIS neutron source:
At the pub in London with David Neuffer and Milorad Popovic of Fermilab:
USPAS 2017 Winter
One undergraduate student (Donghyun Kwak) and one graduate student (Chul Woon Choi) from UNIST attended USPAS 2017 Winter session.
CHEA workshop
1st CHEA (Center for High Energy Astrophysics) Workshop at Haeundae (2017. 1. 16 ~ 17)
CST Particle Studio Workshop
CST Particle Studio Workshop (2016. 11. 17 ~ 18)
Visit to RIKEN and U-Tokyo
At RIKEN (with Prof. Wada sang)
At University of Tokyo (with Prof. Kuroda sang and Prof. SunKee Kim of SNU)
2016 ICABU
Ph.D student Chang-Kyu Sung made a contributed oral talk.
Ph.D students Seong-Yeol Kim and Kyoung-Hun Yoo won the best poster award (3rd places).
2016 Summer USPAS
Microwave measurements and beam instrumentation laboratory
(Chang-kyu has attended)