Linac 2022 at Liverpool (with Korean colleagues)
At Liverpool FC stadium with KOMAC folks:
Link of highlights of the game:
In front of the home of Paul McCartney (The Beatles) with RISP folks:
Link of the Penny Lane song:
Banquet at St George’s Hall with Korean folks:
The new “The Batman” movie was filmed here:
Meeting with Prof. Andy Wolski
Meeting with Prof. Andy Wolski of University of Liverpool.
He is the author of the famous book “Beam Dynamics in High Energy Particle Accelerators”.
iFPC2022 at Jeju
Some traces of iBAL members during iFPC2022:
Seok-Ho’s name
Moses as a convener
Kook-Jine with UNIST folks
Poster of Yoolim and Emre
미래기반 가속기 전문인력양성 사업단 2022 여름학교
Farewell to Jimin
As of September 1, Jimin will work as a postdoc at Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL).
The 11th Korea-Japan Joint Summer School at KOMAC
Farewell to Yoo-Lim
As of August 1, Yoo-Lim will work as a postdoc at Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (KFE).