Prof. Moses Chung's Research Group @ UNIST
국내 대형 가속기 소개 동영상:
본 연구그룹은 고도화된 빔 물리 모형 및 수치해석 코드, 첨단 빔 진단 및 제어 장치를 활용하여, 국내외에 건설 또는 운영 중인 대형 가속기의 설계 및 구축, 최적화 및 성능향상에 기여하고, 나아가 지금보다 가속 효율이 10~100 배 높은 첨단 고강도 가속기 개발에 필요한 물리적-기술적 난제에 도전한다. 이러한 첨단 가속기는 핵융합 재료 연구, 원자력 폐기물 처리, 암 치료, 신소재/신약 개발, 우주의 신비 탐구 등 인류가 당면한 여러 문제를 해결하는 데 필수적인 첨단기술이다.
Several large-scale accelerator facilities are operational or under construction in Korea, such as the 3rd Generation Synchrotron Light Source (PLS-II) and the X-ray Free Electron Laser (PAL-XFEL) in Pohang, the Korea Multi-purpose Accelerator Complex (KOMAC) in Gyeongju, the Rare Isotope Accelerator complex for ON-line experiments (RAON) in Daejeon, and the SNUH Gijang Cancer Center of Heavy Ion Therapy and Study (SGCC-HITS). Plus, a new 4th Generation Storage Ring (4GSR) is being constructed in Cheongju. By using advanced beam physics models and simulation tools, cutting-edge beam diagnostics, and sophisticated beam manipulation/acceleration techniques, our research group contributes to the design, development, optimization, and improvement of those modern accelerators. Furthermore, we investigate transformational technologies for the next-generation high-intensity accelerators such as the Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (FMIF), Accelerator Driven System (ADS), and Heavy Ion Fusion (HIF). Applications of the accelerators to cancer therapy (FLASH), new materials research/drug discovery, and laboratory astrophysics will also be actively pursued.
UNIST Research Groups:
[Ion Traps/Beam Manipulations] 박성남, 한제환
[Beam-Driven Wakefields/Advanced Accelerators] 정준영
[Accelerator Physics/Beam Diagnostics] 문석호, 곽동현, Emre Cosgun, 김준하
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Center for High Energy Astrophysics (CHEA):
UNIST Faculty Research Profile:정모세_고강도-빔-가속기-연구실
Korean Physical Society / Division of Plasma Physics:
Link to a short video clip: 연구실 소개 동영상 (곽동현 제작)
학부생을 위한 연구실 소개:
2014~: Assistant / Associate / Tenured-Associate / Full Professor, Dept. of Physics, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)
2012~2014: Peoples Fellow / Associate Scientist, Accelerator Physics Center, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab)
2010~2012: Assistant Professor, Handong Global University (HGU) at Pohang
2008~2010: Postdoc, Accelerator Physics Center, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab)
2001~2008: Research Assistant, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL)
Ph. D. Plasma Physics, Princeton University
– Advisor: Prof. Ronald C. Davidson (Passed away on 19 May 2016)
– Thesis: “Studies of charged particle beam dynamics on the Paul trap simulator experiment pure ion plasma”
M. S. Nuclear Engineering (Nuclear Fusion Major), Seoul National University
– Advisor: Prof. Sang-Hee Hong (Retired)
– Thesis: “Full wave modeling for fast wave current drive simulation in tokamak plasmas”
B. S. Nuclear Engineering, Seoul National University
– Best Student Award from College of Engineering, Seoul National University (Graduated with Highest
Honors in the Nuclear Engineering Dept.)
– Peoples Fellowship from Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Outstanding Accelerator Scientists
Early in Their Careers, 2012 – 2014)
– Editor, AAPPS Bulletin / Accelerator Science (2021 – )
– Committee Member, Asian Committee for Future Accelerators (ACFA) (2021 – )
– Vice Chair, The Korean Physical Society (KPS) / Division of Plasma Physics (2020 – 2022)
– Chair, The Korean Physical Society (KPS) / Division of Plasma Physics (2022 – 2024)
Research Interest
Beam physics with intense self-fields and strong coupling
Advanced beam diagnostics and manipulations
Beam-plasma interactions and advanced accelerators (Wakefields/Muon)
Plasma and beam physics using ion and electron traps
High-intensity accelerator R&D for future nuclear applications (Nuclear Data, SNS, IFMIF, ADS, and HIF)
Recent Publications (Selected)
[13] J. Seok, G. Ha, J. Power et al., and M. Chung, “Experimental demonstration of double emittance exchange toward arbitrary longitudinal beam phase-space manipulations”, Physical Review Letters 129, 224801 (2022).
[12] Y.-L. Cheon , S.-H. Moon, M. Chung, and D.-O. Jeon, “Effects of beam spinning on the fourth-order particle resonance of 3D bunched beams in high-intensity linear accelerators”, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 25, 064002 (2022).
[11] S.-Y. Kim, K. Moon, and M. Chung et al., “Witness electron beam injection using an active plasma lens for a proton beam-driven plasma wakefield accelerator”, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 24, 121304 (2021).
[10] The MICE Collaboration (including M. Chung), “Demonstration of cooling by the Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment”, Nature 578, 53 (2020).
[9] The AWAKE Collaboration (including M. Chung), “Acceleration of electrons in the plasma wakefield of a proton bunch”, Nature 561, 363 (2018).
[8] M. Chung, H. Qin, R. C. Davidson, L. Groening, and C. Xiao, “Generalized Kapchinskij-Vladimirskij Distribution and Beam Matrix for Phase-Space Manipulations of High-Intensity Beams”, Physical Review Letters 117, 224801 (2016).
[7] L. Groening, M. Maier, C. Xiao, L. Dahl, P. Gerhard, S. Mickat, H. Vormann, M. Vossberg, and M. Chung, “Experimental Proof of Adjustable Single-Knob Ion Beam Emittance Partitioning”, Physical Review Letters 113, 264802 (2014).
[6] S. G. Arutunian, A. E. Avetisyan, M. A. Davtyan, G. S. Harutyunyan, I. E. Vasiniuk, M. Chung, and V. Scarpine, “Large Aperture Vibrating Wire Monitor with Two Mechanically Coupled Wires for Beam Halo Measurements”, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 17, 032802 (2014).
[5] M. Chung et al., “Pressurized H2 RF Cavities in Ionizing Beams and Magnetic Fields”, Physical Review Letters 111, 184802 (2013).
[4] H. Qin, R. C. Davidson, M. Chung, and J. W. Burby, “Generalized Courant-Snyder Theory for Charged Particle Dynamics in General Focusing Lattices”, Physical Review Letters 111, 104801 (2013).
[3] M. Chung, E. P. Gilson, R. C. Davidson, P. C. Efthimion, and R. Majeski, “Use of a Linear Paul Trap to Study Random-Noise Induced Beam Degradation in High-Intensity Accelerators”, Physical Review Letters 102, 145003 (2009).
[2] H. Qin, M. Chung, and R. C. Davidson, “Generalized Kapchinskij-Vladimirskij Distribution and Envelope Equation for High-Intensity Beams in a Coupled Transverse Focusing Lattice”, Physical Review Letters 103, 224802 (2009).
[1] M. Chung, E. P. Gilson, M. Dorf, R. C. Davidson, P. C. Efthimion, and R. Majeski, “Experiments on Transverse Compression of a Long Charge Bunch in a Linear Paul Trap”, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 10, 064202 (2007).
Post-Docs: None
Ph.D Students (including Master-Ph.D-Combined):
Sung-Nam Park (UNIST)
Seok-Ho Moon (UNIST)
Dong-Hyun Kwak (UNIST, now at IBS/RAON)
Jun-Yeong Jeong (UNIST, now at Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
Emre Cosgun (UNIST)
Jun-Ha Kim (UNIST, now at Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
Je-Hwan Han (UNIST)
Master Students: None
Undergraduate Interns: (Please contact mchung AT
Administrative Assistant:
Jua Jin
Dong-Nyung Choe (Master, now at HANMI Semiconductor)
Chul-Woon Choi (Master, now at SAMSUNG Electronics)
Sandeep Kumar (Postdoc, now Associate Professor at Manav Rachna University, India)
Hyock-Jun Son (Ph.D from Handong Global University, then at IBS/RAON, and now at MSU/FRIB)
Seong-Yeol Kim (Ph.D, then at ANL/AWA, and now at Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
Ji-Ho Mun (Undergraduate Intern, now Ph.D student at KAIST)
Yoo-Lim Cheon (Ph.D, now at Korea Institute of Fusion Energy)
Ji-Min Seok (Ph.D, now at Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
Kyoung-Hun Yoo (Ph.D, now at IBS/RAON)
Bok-Kyun Shin (Postdoc, now at Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
Kook-Jine Moon (Ph.D, now at Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
Chang-Kyu Sung (Ph.D, now at Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
Outside Collaborators:
Fermilab: MTA/MAP group, FAST/IOTA group, DUNE Collaboration
PPPL: Beam physics (Dr. Hong Qin, Prof. Ronald C. Davidson-Passed away on 19 May 2016)
ESS: Beam instrumentation group (Dr. Andreas Jansson)
GSI: Linac group (Dr. Lars Groening)
CERN: AWAKE Collaboration, GBAR Collaboration
ICL/RAL: MICE Collaboration, nuSTORM
Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg: EBIT group (Dr. Jose R. Crespo López-Urrutia)
Yerevan Physics Institute: Accelerator diagnostics group (Dr. Suren Arutunian)
ANL/NIU: AWA group (Prof. Gwanghui Ha)
DESY: MPA group, PITZ group
SNU, KU-Sejong: Antiproton trap, High-power cyclotron/linac for ADS
PAL: e-LABs (former ITF), 4GSR
IBS/Heavy-Ion Accelerator Research Institute: Beam diagnostics, EBIS, NDPS, Beam dynamics
KOMAC: 1 MeV/n RFQ Beam Test Stand (BTS)