20th Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop (AAC22)
Kook-Jine and Seong-Yeol in the 20th Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop (AAC22):
ICABU 2022 (2/2)
The 24th International Conference on Accelerators and Beam Utilizations (ICABU2022):
ICABU 2022 (1/2)
The 24th International Conference on Accelerators and Beam Utilizations (ICABU2022):
Visit to SNS 2
In front of SNS linac tunnel:
In front of a cryomodule:
With Dr. Sang-Ho Kim, Accelerator Systems Section Head:
Visit to SNS 1
At SNS Beam Test Facility (BTF) with Nick and Austin:
At SNS Beam Test Facility (BTF) with Kiersten and Austin:
In front of SNS Accumulator Ring (AR) solenoid with Austin:
In front of SNS Accumulator Ring (AR) injection system with Mariusz of PSI:
5th ICFA Mini-Workshop on Space Charge 2022
Group photo:
With Dr. Ji Qiang of LBNL:
With Prof. Kohji Hirata of KEK:
KPS 70th Anniversary and 2022 Fall Meeting
With Prof. Young-Kee Kim of University of Chicago:
Division of Plasma Physics:
Sungnam gave an contributed oral talk:
Dr. Shin gave a poster presentation:
Visit of HZB(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin) folks
Dr. Ji-Gwang Hwang and Mr. Benat Alberdi Esuain from HZB(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin) visited UNIST and gave wonderful talks.