Visit of Dr. Angel Ibarra (IFMIF-DONES EU Project Leader)
Visit of Dr. Angel Ibarra (IFMIF-DONES EU Project Leader) to Daejeon:
NuFACT2019 at Daegu
NuFACT 2019 is the 21st in the series of yearly international workshops which started in 1999 and which had previously been called the International Workshop on Neutrino Factories. The change of name to International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators is related to the fact that the workshop program has, over the years, come to include all current and future accelerator and also reactor based neutrino projects, including also muon projects, not only the Neutrino Factory project.
With Rolland Johnson of Muons, Inc.:
Dinner with Fermilab friends and MICE/nuSTORM colleagues:
2019 Summer Accelerator School at KU, Sejong
2019 Summer Accelerator School at KU, Sejong: Sung-Nam, Jun-Yeong, and Je Hwan attended.
A method for profile measurements of small transverse size beams by means of a vibrating wire (RSI)
“A method for profile measurements of small transverse size beams by means of a vibrating wire” has been published in Review of Scientific Instruments (July, 2019).
Longitudinal phase space dynamics of witness bunch during the Trojan Horse injection for plasma-based particle accelerators (PoP)
“Longitudinal phase space dynamics of witness bunch during the Trojan Horse injection for plasma-based particle accelerators” has been published in Physics of Plasmas (July, 2019).
Laser Physics Workshop ( LPHYS’19 )
Seong-Yeol is giving an invited talk on AWAKE: