‘중입자 미사일’ 암과 전쟁 20년 뒤 끝낸다.
LINK: 빛 속도로 조준 타격, 곳곳에 퍼진 암 5~10년내 잡는다.
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LINK: 국제신문_중입자_가속기2
IBAL Lab Students
Picture of the IBAL (Intense Beam and Accelerator Laboratory) students having dinner together after the 2017 fall semester kick-off meeting.
International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC) 2017
With Peter Forck (GSI) and Andreas Jansson (ESS):
With Steve Lidia (FRIB Beam Instrumentation and Measurements Department Manager):
With Ben Freemire (NIU/Fermilab) in front of the FRIB building:
VISIT to Fermilab
With Accelerator Physics Center (APC) director and my former boss, Dr. Vladimir Shiltsev:
With Dr. Giulio Stancari (IOTA and LHC beam halo collimator):
With USPAS staff (Susan-my left, Irina-my right):
With Dr. Jayakar Charles T. Thangaraj of Illinois Accelerator Research Center (IARC):
Some Pictures of the IBAL Activities during the Summer
A superconducting magnet has been relocated by the GBAR collaboration members including Kyoung-Hun.
With Dr. Marcus Iberler of IAP, Frankfurt and Dr. Byung-Joon Lee of PAL, Pohang. Seong-Yeol, Kook-Jin, and Jimin spent this summer with them at PAL.
ACCT installed at SCL-DEMO Linac at KAIST, Munji Campus. (Chang-Kyu has been working on it.)
BLM will be located near to the quadrupole doublet installed next to the HWR cavity. (Yoo-Lim will work on it.)
Mini-Workshop on Advanced Manipulation and Control of Intense Electron Beams
Mini-Workshop on Advanced Manipulation and Control of Intense Electron Beams was held at UNIST on July 25, 2017.
Visit to MPIK and DESY
MOU with Max Planck Institute of Nuclear Physics (Prof. Dr. Thomas Pfeifer and Priv.-Doz. Dr. Jose Ramon Crespo Lopez-Urrutia):
After shipping mini-EBIT(Polar-X) with Dr. Sven Bernitt and Steffen Kuehn:
After installing mini-EBIT(Polar-X) at PETRA-III P01 beamline:
With Kay Wittenburg, the group leader of MDI (machine, diagnostics and instrumentation) of DESY:
With Prof. Noejung Park who is in sabbatical at MPI for Structure and Dynamics of Matter located at CFEL: