한국형 중이온 가속기로 새 원소 발견 기대
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USPAS 2017 Summer
Yoo-Lim attended USPAS 2017 Summer session in Lisle, Illinois. She took the “Beam Physics with Intense Space Charge” course.
Analyzing the effect of slotted foil on radiation pulse profile in a mode locked afterburner X-ray free electron laser (JAP)
“Analyzing the effect of slotted foil on radiation pulse profile in a mode locked afterburner X-ray free electron laser” has been published in Journal of Applied Physics (June, 2017).
RAON Beam Diagnostics Review
International committee members (Andreas Jansson, Peter Forck, Kay Wittenburg) and RAON beam diagnostics group.
UNIST becomes a member of GBAR collaboration
Kyoung-Hun is giving a talk at the GBAR trap workshop in February.
Discussion with members of the GBAR collaboration (Patrice Perez, Dirk van der Werf, Naofumi Kuroda, Eun-San Kim, Sun-Kee Kim):
The 14th Collaboration Meeting on Muon g-2/EDM at J-PARC
Chang-Kyu Sung attended The 14th Collaboration Meeting on Muon g-2/EDM at J-PARC (June 7-9, 2017)
Precise Out-Vacuum Proton Beam Monitoring System Based on Vibrating Wire (Journal of Contemporary Physics)
“Precise Out-Vacuum Proton Beam Monitoring System Based on Vibrating Wire” has been published in Journal of Contemporary Physics (May, 2017).
PDF DOWNLOAD: Journal of Contemporary Physics Vol. 52 No. 2 (SCIE)
SCRF Elliptical Cavity Animation
Useful animation to understand RF acceleration in a SC elliptical cavity:
– Blue: Electric fields
– Red: Magnetic fields
– Yellow: Charges
– Orange: Beam bunches