경북도, 가속기 활용 사업 추진 본격화
울산과기원 (유니스트) 특집 방송
울산 MBC 굿모닝 새아침입니다.
CERN to test revolutionary mini-accelerator
Plasma wakefield machines aim to reach high energies without huge gains in size.
Useful link
USPAS 강의노트:
빔진단 연구 교류모임:
RF Design House:
2015 Korea Particle Accelerator School
The 3rd Korea Particle Accelerator School will be held in Daejeon from 28th July to 31th July.
All the registration and lodging/dinning fees are free !
Please register following the information in the poster.
UNIST 대학원생, 가속기 분야 우수 연구 역량 인정 받아
UNIST 대학원생, 가속기 분야 우수 연구 역량 인정 받아
제3회 국제가속기학교에서 수여하는 ‘Best Homework Award’ 수상
2015.08.09 이 종현 홍보대외협력팀
Intensity Limitations in Particle Beams
Many accelerators and storage rings, whether intended for particle physics experiments, synchrotron light sources or industrial applications, require beams of high brightness and the highest possible intensities. A good understanding of the possible limitations is required to achieve the desired performance.
There seems an interesting course on this topic at CERN:
The programme for this course will cover the interaction of beams with their surroundings, with other beams and further collective effects. Lectures on the effects and possible mitigations will be complemented by tutorials.