Commissioning results of single bunch selection system for the RAON heavy-ion accelerator facility (NIM-B)
“Commissioning results of single bunch selection system for the RAON heavy-ion accelerator facility” has been published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B (May, 2023).
3 talks in a week
1. Seminar at Chung-Ang University (CAU): 가속기 물리학의 현재와 미래
DPF DOWNLOAD: Accelerator_Physics_Moses_Chung_0512@CAU
2. Seminar at POSTECH: Phase-Space Engineering towards Intense and Bright Accelerators
PDF DOWNLOAD: 포스텍_세미나_정모세_0515
3. Workshop at Korean Nuclear Society: 핵융합 증식블랑켓 컴포넌트 시험용 중성자원 입자가속기 현황
PDF DOWNLOAD: 2023_0517_KNS_MosesChung
중이온가속기 ‘라온’ 인력 절대 부족
신문기사 링크:
신문기사 PDF: 동아사이언스_중이온가속기_기사
‘암치료 명사수’ 중입자가속기 시대 열린다…4년 내 전국 3곳 가동
신문기사 링크:
신문기사 PDF: 서울경제_중입자가속기_기사
2023 Spring KPS meeting
Dr. Cheon received young scientist award from division of plasma physics:
Donghyun presented a talk titled “Current status of pre-bunching and re-bunching systems for RAON low-energy experiments”:
Junha presented a talk titled “Characterization of beam coupling via turn-by-turn beam position monitor data in circular accelerators”:
Jehwan gave a poster presentation titled “Progress of UNIST Electron Beam Ion Trap (EBIT) Upgrade”:
Seminar by Dr. Song of FRIB
Dr. Jeongseog Song of FRIB gave a seminar titled “Hotspots for Rare Isotope Beams”: